Ember Lab is co-organising the 34th AIVC Conference

34th AIVC conference on Energy conservation technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment: the role of ventilation strategies and smart materials

The 34th AIVC conference will focus on research, technologies, policies and market transformation to employ in an optimal way proper mitigation and adaptation techniques aiming to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and improve the urban microclimate. The conference will focus on the energy impact of ventilation and air infiltration while ensuring good indoor air quality and thermal comfort, as well as on converging work on smart materials to reduce the carbon footprint of the building sector.

One major theme will be ventilative cooling—i.e., the application of outdoor air flow rates to reduce the cooling loads in buildings. The potential of this technique is more and more considered to reduce the cooling energy demand in summer or mid-season conditions, depending on outdoor climate, building design and internal loads.

Ventilative cooling potential is all the more significant as it is integrated in an overall design strategy, where the management of solar loads plays a crucial role. For this reason, AIVC and the European Cool Roof Council join forces this year to encourage mutually beneficial exchanges between both communities.

The third major theme of the conference will be efficient ventilation and building and ductwork airtightnessin new and renovated nearly zero-energy buildings. It aims to cover recent developments to improve the performance of ventilation systems with a balanced approach between health and energy concerns.

The conference will foster new research and development, applications and market transformation in these areas with the support of the following international initiatives:

  • Venticool—the international platform for ventilative cooling;
  • ECRC—the European Cool Roof Council
  • TightVent Europe—the Building and Ductwork Airtightness Platform.

For more information please visit the Conference website: